Natural Pads

Plastic free period protection you can rely on every month

No fuss, no frills, no plastic

The average pack of conventional pads contains up to five carrier bags worth of plastic. They’re typically made from synthetic materials, dyes, and even perfume – nothing your vagina needs, especially on your period.

Choose a plastic free pad made from natural, breathable materials, designed to be super soft on your skin. Our pads are effectively absorbent for every flow, with and without wings.

Plastic free pads

Plastic Free

Plastic doesn’t belong in your period products or in our oceans. Natracare is plastic free by design, and you can help reduce pollution with a simple monthly switch to our plastic free pads.

Chlorine free bleaching

Chlorine Free

The bleaching process cleans the cotton and pulp used to make pads. We use a totally chlorine free bleaching method to purify our organic cotton, which is Totally Chlorine Free and doesn’t create dioxin residues.

Perfume free

Perfume Free

Your vagina is great as it is, and it doesn’t need the itchiness perfume can often cause. We only make unscented period products because synthetic perfumes contain a host of undisclosed ingredients which can lead to irritation.

Natural materials

Natural Materials

We responsibly source natural materials to make our pads, including certified sustainable wood pulp. Our products are tested for compostability and biodegradability. This helps us all to look after our planet.